Friday, July 23, 2010

Caffeinated Randomness - I'm Back, But Not Really Back

Ok, I know the last time I posted I was visiting Debbie. We made it home safe in sound in time to be devestated by the World Cup Final. To lose due to a red card.........we're still not really talking about it. However, we are looking foward to Euro Cup 2012. I'm ever the optimist.
The week we were home, I spent a lot of time cleaning my house. Not because it was that messy, but I spent an entire afternoon working on my laundry/craft room. I'm 80% done. I just need to get some storage bins for my sewing projects and some organization bins for my scrapbooking/stamping supplies. I'm hoping to finish this up in August so that I can start working on some projects daily, instead of watching senseless tv (aka Days of Our Lives).
I also started my own slim fast bootcamp. I tried to follow the slim fast diet listed on the container. I also tried to work out at least 30 minutes a day. My goal was to lose at least 10 lbs. However, I only lost 6 lbs. I'll take it. By the end of the week, it wasn't so much about weight loss as it was about trying to learn to eat healthy and watch my portion size. It also encouraged me to start using the treadmill we bought last year for our anniversary. No Mom, it isn't going to collect dust anymore.
Now, I'm on my vacation. The lovely Caffeinated Chieftan is housesitting for me. I hope my house hasn't burnt down, been hit by a tornado (I've heard there have been some warnings in Saskatchewan, hopefully not near our town), or flooded out (we have had a lot of rain lately). As I have no pets or plants (I have killed petunias), she has a very easy job.
You may ask where I am, currently I'm finishing our 4 days in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. If you're every up this way, you should really check it out. To see God's creation the way He intended it is awe inspiring. We have been hiking everyday and seen wildlife, waterfalls, pristine mountain lakes and amazing views and vistas. Today we spent the evening in hot springs which was well deserved after our daily hikes. I thought my legs were ready to go on strike, though I was ready for some more.
I hope you are all enjoying your summer. Tomorrow we're off to my ocean and my grandmother's 75th Birthday Party. I will definitely post some pictures of that and the Rockies when I get home. Miss you all.
Now go and share you're randomness with the Chief!


Home's Where My Heart Is said...

Way to GO on the 6 pounds, that is wonderful! The other 4 will come. They will.

Sounds like you're having a great time. Hope the ocean is fun and that the party is filled with memories.

Simple Home said...

6 pounds is wonderful. It sounds like you're having fun. I hope you bring back lots of photos to share.

Donnetta said...

You are busy but it all sounds wonderful! Even finished projects are great accomplishments.

Congrats on the 6 pounds! I, too, am starting to get focused again on just having more of a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Keep it up!!

Kela said...

You got it goin' on girl!!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!!

Linda said...

Hey, I am happy when I lose a pound a week. Praising God with you on the 6 lbs lost! Missing ya on the blog! I bet it is spectacular beautiful there in Canada in the mountains! Have a fun blessed time!

Janean said...

scoot over, i'm joining you to celebrate grandma's birthday at the ocean -- woooohoooooo!!!

My photo
Alberta, Canada
I'm a 39 year old (oh yeah I'm telling you my age) Stay at Home mom. A former Bad Girl now reformed sinner, I'm married to my Y2K guy and raising 3 great children from God. Proudly Canadian, however, missing the West Coast, I currently live in the prairies watching the farmers fields produce as I learn how God produces the fruits in me.

Mini Me

Mini Me





Friends and Neighbours

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