Thursday, May 10, 2012

Caffeinated Randomness - Reg or DeCaf?


This week I'm bailing out and doing a quiz.  I hope you play along. 

You Are Regular

You are lively and energetic. You are constantly seeking the new challenges.

You are easily inspired and are always coming up with new ideas. You have a lot of enthusiasm.

You stay adaptable and flexible. You want to be agile and ready for anything.

You are a rule breaker to the extreme. You get a thrill from pushing boundaries and breaking taboos.

Come link up your regular or decaf randomness today.


Katharine said...

Apparently...I'm decaf! lol. happy Mother's day, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

I'm decaf. I guess I am chilled out. LOL

Andi said...

I am a regular, but do not feel ANY confidence in such a short quiz. But it still nailed me fairly well.

My photo
Alberta, Canada
I'm a 39 year old (oh yeah I'm telling you my age) Stay at Home mom. A former Bad Girl now reformed sinner, I'm married to my Y2K guy and raising 3 great children from God. Proudly Canadian, however, missing the West Coast, I currently live in the prairies watching the farmers fields produce as I learn how God produces the fruits in me.

Mini Me

Mini Me





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