Monday, August 3, 2009
MM&M: The Mall, the Hospital and Church
10:35 PM | Posted by
Michelle |
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Last time on MM&M, our heroine and hero were finally dating and had a first kiss............
After that weekend we spent almost all our free time together. We would watch the news and tv shows. I started to cook him dinner, only after grocery shopping, (all he had in his cupboards were canned carrots and peas when I met him). On Sunday's when Leroy would go to Church, I would tell him to bring me back coffee. Which of course, he did.
About a week later, we were hosting a dinner party at his apartment with Christy and Sean (that's another story). After dinner Leroy's mother called. I guess when she asked what he was doing he let her know that he had some "friends" over. Christy and I couldn't stop laughing "Friends"! "Friends"!
About a week later he told his mom that he was dating me. One of her first questions to him was:
"Is she a Christian?"I still didn't go to church. I don't why. I had gone to church as a kid by myself when I needed sanctuary (another story for another day). I believed there was a God. I think I was worried about the church blowing up when I walked through the doors. What would my family say? None of us grew up in the church. My grandmother and grandfather were both raised in the church, however, left and never went back. My grandmother to this days proclaims "you can believe, but not go to church."
"We have to get her to Church"
By the end of the month we were still dating; had been on a short road trip to West Edmonton Mall (Leroy says "it was like taking a kid to a candy store"); and were spending time with my family, who kept coming out to visit. We were also getting ready to move Leroy into his new house. We still hadn't said the "L" word yet though as I wanted to be able to say it and mean it.
The Friday he moved into his house, he and a friend were moving his new washing machine into the house. Somehow, when transporting it into the basement, it slipped and landed on Leroy's foot. He was rushed to the hospital. I was oblivious to this as I was out shopping with one of my aunts. When we got home, I found out that Leroy's friend had phoned and left a message of what had happened. However, I didn't know the severity. I went back to Leroy's and waited and worried. I phoned the hospital and was told that they couldn't give me any information because I wasn't family. I finally found a back way after explaining the situation and was told that he was just out of surgery and I could come the next day to visit.
I phoned the floor he was on the next morning to see if there was anything he needed. The nurse was really awesome. She told me, I should bring some comfy loose clothing and that I could come visit anytime. I immediately got a bag together, went to the store and bought him a case of Pepsi (Leroy's version of water) and some dutch chocolate (I still don't know if that was for him or for me). I got to the hospital by 9:30 am.
When I got there Leroy's childhood friend, Rob, was there (thanks to his mom). By the end of the day I had met Leroy's Mom & Dad, his brother, Randy, his brother, Brian, his wife, Sherry and their new baby, Brianne. By the next day I had met his sister in law, Linda, his nephew, David and niece, Sandra. Talk about pressure. However, I think my being there made Leroy's mom feel better as she went home the next morning. Leroy spent a week in the hospital and I was there everyday.
It was around this time that I realized that I was "in love" with Leroy. I realized that my life was better with him in it. He treated me with respect, cared when I was upset, and worried about me.
When Leroy was out of the hospital, he was on crutches and couldn't drive around as much as he wanted because of his foot. We went up to visit his sister, Linda, and her family. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop talking. On Sunday, we went to church. Guess what? It didn't blow up. The music was pretty up beat. The people were friendly. There was coffee. Did I mention that the church didn't blow up? On our way home that night, I let Leroy know that I would go to church with him from now on.
My first Sunday at Leroy's church was a shock. I had never been to church with drums. At first it was nerve racking, but then I came to enjoy it. The pastor was nice. The music was great. The sermons weren't too bad. I was actually getting excited about going to church. I even started to listen to the Christian station.
Leroy and I went to a Franklin Graham Crusade (I admit to see Michael W. Smith). At the crusade I heard the call and felt my heart jump. I could be forgiven. I was loved for just being me. I just couldn't accept it. The old records kept playing saying I was worthless; I was garbage; and I wasn't wanted. In fact I told a girlfriend later "that I was going to hell wrapped in a big silver bow."
A few months later after Thanksgiving, I took Leroy home to meet the rest of the family he hadn't met yet. I had told my grandmother that I was attending church with Leroy and her answer was "a little church never killed anyone!" My one aunt was worried that I had become a "bible thumper". As a joke when we went to visit, when she answered her door, I yelled "I'm here to spread the word of Jesus" in my cheesiest southern accent (sorry to my Southern friends). My family seemed to like Leroy. He was quiet and shy, something none of us are.
Leroy and I started to talk about our future. We had been jokingly talking about getting married for a few months. So by Christmas, we were doing mock planning. I had told him that I needed at least 6 months to plan. He had told me not to expect anything for Christmas..................
Will she get the ring for Christmas..........Will she wake up and answer the door...........find out next week in our continuing saga MM&M
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- Michelle
- Alberta, Canada
- I'm a 39 year old (oh yeah I'm telling you my age) Stay at Home mom. A former Bad Girl now reformed sinner, I'm married to my Y2K guy and raising 3 great children from God. Proudly Canadian, however, missing the West Coast, I currently live in the prairies watching the farmers fields produce as I learn how God produces the fruits in me.

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- MM&M: The Wedding Finale
- Caffeinated Randomness - Too True
- My Favourite Things - Dogs
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- Tuesday's Teachings......
- MM&M: The Plan......
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- Caffeinated Randomness: Baby Got Book
- Wednesday's Voice
- Tuesday's Teachings - What Franchise are You?
- MM&M: The Hike
- My Favourite Kid's Shows
- Wednesday's Voice
- Tuesdays Teachings - Mary
- MM&M - The Spirit Weekend
- My Favourite: Bed Time Stories
- Voice of the Martyrs
- MM&M: The Mall, the Hospital and Church
- Caffeinated Randomness: My Yearbook Dreams.
Your story is so awesome and I am glad you are sharing it! And aren't you proud of me for showing some restraint when I see you by not bugging you incessantly?
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